Thursday, August 23, 2007

My Day... so far...

Well... so far I woke up and MOWED THE LAWN! I needed it Badly. Now that I am writing this, I just realized that I forgot to do the patch of grass on the other side of the street. Ohh well... It'll have to wait another two weeks.

Then I took a bath and I got ready and stuff, and I made some videos. In fact I made 2 more poetry videos... check um out!

Once I finished some videos and I realized that the mail had come, I needed to go to the bank so that I could deposit a check that we received in the mail. I figured that I would make a video about this too, so I did:

After the bank, I figured lets do some driving down Route 66 here in Tulsa, OK. When I moved here, I was like "COOL, Route 66!" So I decided to make some videos of it. We have Route 66 from Lewis St. to Yale in Tulsa, OK! Enjoy!

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