Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Cute Kitten vs. Paper! (Ninja Kitty Slide)

Headed to burgersmith!!

At burgersmith for the social media meetip in Lafayette #smday

Hanging around burgersmith for the meetup

Presenters at the social media event #smday

Social media meetup in Lafayette la! #smday

About to scarf down this bit of yumminess!!!

Going to watch some firefly at my friends house! Had a great time at the social media day meetup! #smday

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Could be the cutest pic of the day! Two cats snuggling together!

I know, I know! She's the cutest thing you've ever seen!!

Of course you had to know that the first pic I took with iPhone 4 would be food! My wife is awesome!

First pic with the front facing camera. I lost my video from earlier when I synced :(

Got cucumbers galore here at our house!!

I Got an iPhone 4!!!

I got an iPhone 4 - is this HD?

I don't think zephyr likes the flash on my new iPhone 4, but it does make him look great in the pic!!

...and now the two vids you just saw edited together with iMovie for iPhone

A little bit of sustinance in the form of a banana before o go fight the lie at AT&T. Might help if I also get dressed first!

First in line beeeotches!!!

Best idea: get an iPhone 4 at the mall! Not only am I first in line, but there's air conditioning & no Mosquitos!!

Only in Louisiana will you see someone with a beer in the mall in line Goethe iPhone 4!

... And these people are all behind me in line to get an iPhone 4... #1 is awesome!!

Katc tv3 news just showed up!!

Just had an interviews with katc tv 3!! Make sure to watch the news today!

Hello mr newsman! You film me, and I film you! Give and take relationship

Just plugged in my new iPhone 4 to give it a sync! Love the sound it makes!

The iPhone App Show: Vuvuzela is picked up by world news

Time to get some shut eye! Gotta get up early to get an iPhone 4!! Wanna come wait in line with me??

Monday, June 28, 2010

I'm ready to get my iPhone 4 tomorrow! w00t ::does the running man:: :: does the roger rabbit:: ::does the stanky leg::

My wife is making pickles!! Haven't had any yet, but I'm sure their awesome!!

Going for a walk at 11:00pm! Does that make us crazy??

Google street view found horseboy! Do u know who it is?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Some kids are watching me, watching my robomow mow my lawn

Good mornin everyone! Had to pee, then the cat was meowing to be let in. So looks like I'm up now... :::yawn::: :::stretch:::

I'm ready to have my feet over my brain on a roller coaster soon! @Sixflags / @seaworld I'll see you soon!!

Alright!! Who's the douchebag that wants to remake Edward Scissorhands?? Karate Kid was already ruined, now this? :::knife to face:::

Whoever made this decision also needs a knife to face... Pretty boy from twilight to play Edward scissorhands... Ohh shit what is this world coming to ...

Going to eat some brunch with my wife, mom and sister!!

Inside of broken egg, but we are eating outside

Anyone want some? I'm full!

Chance playing some guise at the laffstock: cysiric fibrosis benefit

Enjoying some guitar playing at Laffstock: Cystic Fibrosis Benefit

Got the news here or something at Laffstock: Cystic Fibrosis Benefit down at AOC

Got me some jambalya at the benefit!! NOm nom nom

Chad Hays at the CF Benefit is pretty damn funny!

The Chauvinistas just finished up. Machete is about to take the stage.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Going to see knight and day with my wife and mom!!

At laffstock: cystic fibrosis benefit... Mike Ledoux is on stage

Need to go to bed, but took a 1 1/2 hour nap after swimming... Can't sleep now :(

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Looks like I'm on ATT, but I still am jailbreaking because without a jailbreak, I can't do The iPhone App Show

CRAP! Supposed to go swimming at around 5:30, but the radar looks like CRAP! Rain rain go away!

Well, tmobile let me out of my contract, so looks like I might be camping out for the iPhone 4!! W00t w00t

Monday, June 21, 2010

My mom visited and left a comment on my website... after 3 years of operation! YEA MOM! #techsavvymoms

Gotta live @Delta planes outside your hotel window in the mornings, right? Mainly need this pic or a blog post

Downtown Menphis TN

Video coming soon which has baby Fournerat's heartbeat!! Make sure to watch!!

Eating lamb chops at ruth's chris!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dream: I was driving in a car and telling someone about how my sister inherited a restaurant that only served peanuts, and her name was written on the building at the top. Then I went to her new job which was at a swimming and Golding facility and everyone that came in was given a huge egg. After you got back from playing a round of golf, my sister would crack open the egg and a chick was born. I punctured a hole in one egg and could feel the born chick inside the egg, and also inside the egg was a bird nest which very chick wa born with.

Good ole veggie from schlotzsky's

About ti go and help my friend hook up his new surround sound system!! Guy's nite will never be the same!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

FYI: @boxee is amazing!!!

Another amazing meal from my wife!! bREAKFAST!!!!

Does anyone know how to creat @boxee apps. I would love to get my content on there!!

The cats are finally snuggling together! Pretty freaking cute if u ask me!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Ran into my friend James Cook at Target! Hadn't seen him in forever!!

I love the Internet!! Does the Internet live me back??


My wife got these Popsicles, and they are AMAZING!!

Aside from being an amazing woman! This is one reason why I love my wife!! Nom!!

Little lady and I are going down to the park for a little bit!

I REALLY need to film and edit a new episode of The iPhone App Show for ... I'm behind on that! :(

Thursday, June 17, 2010

OMG!! This ravioli dish was amazing at renissance market!!

Just heard a heartbeat! Where did that come from??

Feeding my We Rule addiction

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Video being uploaded! Will be done in about an hour!! My thoughts on @Delta

It's watermelon day!! Nom nom nom!

Watching Firefly! Anyone ever seen/heard of it? It's awesome!

:::scratch at the door::: :::I get up, open door::: :::zephyr walks in like a frat boy who's had a long nite out, looking for breakfast::

It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring...

I'm tired after swimming for 2 1/2 hours :::yawn:::

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Are you a Shiggity Shanker yet? If not, click and become a part of the Shiggity Shank List... you get SECRETS!!!

Out cute new kitty sleeping with it's head burried in my legs last night!

New Zelda game coming out!! Check out for info!! Woo woot

Monday, June 14, 2010

I bought 6 boxes of Grape Nuts for $1.99 each at WAl-Greens!! Awesome deal!!

All of you guys out there with iPhones. I'm curious, what's your favorite app??

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Watching the World Cup and eating Aromic Turds!!

Watching the World Cup and eating Aromic Turds!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Woo hoo! Got a facebook URL for LaneVids!! Check it out and like!!

Got me some new books at barnes and noble! Had to finish off a gift card!! Possible new Internet show coming soon?!?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Watched Firefly at Guy's Night!! Good show!!

I like this app! Apparently I have a golden brain!! Basically, I'm AWESOME!!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Cutest KITTY Ever!!!! Any Name Suggestions?

My wife selling shirts for skit happens next to the greatest sponsor/photographer ever!!

Say hello to the newest member of our household!!! She needs a name!! Any ideas for the cutest kitty ever?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Gonna eat some Pad Thai at Noodle House before heading down to go fishing tomorrow!!

Thanks @missionrepair for changing out my cracked screen for this new awesome uncracked one!! U guys rock!!

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