Friday, November 16, 2007

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A personal note from me:
"Hey People's Join and let's see what music we like!"

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Visit my music profile and leave me a shout! I'll see you around,
- Lane Fournerat

PS: I'm l4anyrat on


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Saturday, November 10, 2007

StarCraft 2 by Blizzard

StarCraft 2 is the second installation of the hit Starcraft series from Blizzard, featuring the Terran, Zerg, and Protoss races. Back in 1998, Blizzard released the original Starcraft, and 10 years later they plan on releasing the second one.

Over the past few months, Starcraft fans have been gearing up for the event at gaming expos and watching the video player footage on youtube and other internet channels. Here are just a few to wet your mouth with. The first one is the Trailer for Starcraft 2, titled: Starcraft 2: Hell, It's About Time:

Here is some gameplay video with a Blizzard representative introducing some of the new characters, weapons and abilities in the new Starcraft game:

Hopefully we will get a release date for this game soon. It is going to be one of the best games of the year just like the original one was back in 1998!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Make Money Online

There are many ways now-a-days to make money online. Whether you want to do it by creating videos, giving a product review, or explaining how to do something. You can also get paid to write articles and poetry or take pictures. You can even get paid just to share videos with your friends and family.

At the top of my blog, you will see a few links to web sites that you can sign up for depending on how you want to make your money. ExpoTV is a place where you create a video product review and make money on the front end and the back end.

Associated Content is a place where you can post how to videos, short films, product reviews, articles, poetry, photos, audio files and more and also get paid on the front end and the back end too.

Revver is a site where they add an advertisement to your video, and they will share the advertising revenue with you 50/50. Also if you sign up and just share video with your friends and family, you will get 20% of the revenue and Revver shares 40/40 with them and the creator.

Helium is a site where you get paid to write. This is also ad based, just like Revver.

Shutterstock, Fotolia, Dreamtime, and iStockPhoto are all picture and design submission sites where you upload your picture or graphic to them, and when someone buys it from them, you get a royalty from it, the price depends on the site.

So these are just some of the ways to make money online. As I come across more sites, I will post them on here, so make sure that you refer here often. You can bookmark this blog or have an RSS feed syndicated to your Yahoo or Google account. You can also sign up for subscribing by e-mail if you prefer. All of the links are on the right.

If you want to take a look at some examples of how I have created money online, most of the links to the right are videos that I have gotten paid with and also there are more after my blog posts. Check Them Out and see how easy it is to create money online!

If you want to talk with me personally about how to do it, you can follow me on Twitter, and I will let you know when I am broadcasting on JustinTV, and we can chat there. Also add me as a friend on MySpace, Facebook and all of the other social networking sites. If you see that I don't have a certain social networking site, please let me know and I will join so we can chat.

Enjoy making money online!

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