I have a video in mind that I want to do, but I might need some help. Anyone wanna be a part of this collab?
Broccoli Beard!! @wheezywaiter should be proud!!
I have a video in mind that I want to do, but I might need some help. Anyone wanna be a part of this collab?
Getting a sneak peek at the new FaceBook Timelines!! Pretty cool! Something I've been looking for!
Dear My Back,
Please stop hurting.
@blogtv live show in 30 minutes!! Woot woot!!
@blogtv live show starting NOW!! http://blogtv.com/people/lanevids
About to read the mad lib of the night at the LaneVids @blogtv Live Show!! http://blogtv.com/people/lanevids
Just watched the season premiere of The Amazing Race!! Looks like it's gonna be a good season, but not as good as TheFunnyrats!!
Hanging with my friends playing Dead Rising 2! Have any of you guys played this? Thoughts?
Special @blogtv live show tonight!! Gonna have a special guest!! In 20 mins be there
Live show is happening right now with special guest @arenthethird! Come http://blogtv.com/people/lanevids
Playing 20 question at the @blogtv live show!! Come hang out and play!! http://blogtv.com/people/LaneVids
LIVE SHOW on @blogtv in 10 mins!! Be there!! http://blogtv.com/people/LaneVids
The LIVE SHOW on @blogtv is up and running!! Come join!! http://blogtv.com/people/lanevids
The organist is practicing in the cathedral. He's amazing!!
One of the largest oak trees in the USA!!
Live show in 10 minutes at @blogtv http://blogtv.com/people/lanevids
I just responded to a bunch of @YouTube comments this morning. If you've ever left me one, a surprise might be waiting in your inbox!!
The Weather Channel was the original reality TV!!
LANE FOURNERAT - Blogger, Vlogger, Digital Dude, New Media Guy, Filmmaker, Video Gamer