Handicapped? is a short film that I created. It played at the 2006 Night Gallery Film Festival in Arizona, Oregon, Alaska and Canada. It won a People's Choice Award. I hope you enjoy it!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Dance! - Where?
A man get's downloaded and he and his friend search for the perfect place to dance. This is one of my earlier shorts that I added some different music to, so please excuse the quality. It's still funny!! This was shot with my good friend Bizzo down at Girard Park!
Monday, August 27, 2007
The Good, the Bad & That Guy
A Good Ole Lane Short Film titled: The Good, The Bad & That Guy. Enjoy!
This was part of a bigger project that I eventually split up into 3 short films. If you liked this, then check out the other shorts that it was part of: 'Night Recycler' and 'Handicapped?'.
Star Wars Animation
The Epic Battle of the Century! What happens when George Lucas pops out of my TV and duels me to a battle to see if I am worthy of watching STAR WARS!
This was one of the first videos that I ever created! Hope you liked it!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
This is Hilarious
WATCH IT! You will DIE laughing!!!!
If you watch this 100 times you will still laugh
Add to My Profile | More Videos
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Video Journal for August 24, 2007
I haven't done one of these in a few days. So here is one to make up. At least I've been doing some poetry to make up for it, right? Also I have some old short films that I'm about to upload, so look for those, in the meantime here's 8/24/07
Friday, August 24, 2007
The City of Tulsa Mowed My Grass For Me...
As you know I mowed my grass yesterday, and I forgot to mow the grass across the street where I have some magnolia trees. Well to my surprise it just got mowed. I find this hilarious because the city fines people for grass larger then 12", but the city's grass was well over 24". I guess they are getting some stuff together. YEAH! FREE GRASS MOWERS!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Micah (& anyone else) Sign Up Under Me
This is for Expotv: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/349706/expotv_pays_for_videopinions_plus_01.html
just click one of the links in the article
AC is:
Hook it up!
Enjoy my Vids!
My Day... so far...
Well... so far I woke up and MOWED THE LAWN! I needed it Badly. Now that I am writing this, I just realized that I forgot to do the patch of grass on the other side of the street. Ohh well... It'll have to wait another two weeks.
Then I took a bath and I got ready and stuff, and I made some videos. In fact I made 2 more poetry videos... check um out!
Once I finished some videos and I realized that the mail had come, I needed to go to the bank so that I could deposit a check that we received in the mail. I figured that I would make a video about this too, so I did:
After the bank, I figured lets do some driving down Route 66 here in Tulsa, OK. When I moved here, I was like "COOL, Route 66!" So I decided to make some videos of it. We have Route 66 from Lewis St. to Yale in Tulsa, OK! Enjoy!
Power Outage...
Last night at about 11:00pm our power went out. It sucked because we didn't have any AC , and it was HOT, but it was nice to have total silence. It came on at about 12:15am, so it wasn't too long of an outage. I still don't know what caused it. Guess I should go watch some news or something! L8R
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Today is my friend Phil's Birthday! :::Singing::: Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy. I'm so happy today! :::singing::: Remember from Liar Liar that clown that is singing at the birthday party?
HAPPY B-DAY PHIL! It's the Phillernaut - Rattle Rattle Thunder Crackle Boom Boom Boom
Well I just got back from the Library and I picked up some books! I got The Science of Success by James Ray, the audiobook Selling You! by Napoleon Hill, and a video called The Entrepreneurs. I will let you know how they are!
I am also currently reading You: The Smart Patient by Dr. Mehmet Oz, The Success Principles by Jack Canfield, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, and Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About by Kevin Trudeau.
I am waiting to read Understanding Poverty, The Passion Test, and In the Pursiut of Happiness. If you haven't seen that movie, you should go and rent it TODAY! It is great! Well I'll let you know what I think about them when I finish them!
Poem for the Day
Here is the first Video Poem that I have for you. It's titled "Man's Questions"! Enjoy!
Well I finally fell...
asleep by like 4:00am, and I got up at about 9:30, so I'm running on 5 hours of sleep. We will see how that goes. I should be fine, although I usually get a little longer. Look for some vids coming today!!!
I Can't Sleep...
right now, and I don't want to wake up the Mrs. because she has to get up really early to tend to some teenagers, so I figured that I would get on here and post my Video Journal for the day.
I think I have decided that, since it is hard to get the right feel for poetry unless it is spoken, I am going do start doing some Video Poetry, too. So look for that soon!!
In the meantime, enjoy the blog with all of the links to the left and the video journal!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Everythings Working...
Well I finally figured out how to post on my blog. I had just been using it for links, but I want to say some stuff, so I figured it out, and I gave the blog a new look. Hope you guys like it! Lunchtime and Gonna Make It are two short films that I shot while I was in college. I hope you guys enjoy them. I think Krista and I are going to get some Thai Food!
Check out some of my other stuff to the left, or just click here or here.