Hey Everybody,
I am trying to see if I can get this video to 100,000 hits. If you want to help me out, just click this link,
You should see me giving a review of one of the best games EVER! Guitar Hero 3!
After that, can you please forward this e-mail to all of your contacts, post it to your myspace or in a bullition, and everywhere else you can think! All will be appreciated!
Thanks everyone,
LaneVids http://lanevids.blogspot.com
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Help me OUT!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Join me on Last.fm!
Hi l4anyrat.lanevids@blogger.com, Add me as a friend on Last.fm so we can share our music taste :) Check out what I'm listening to. | |
A personal note from me:
"Hey People's Join Last.fm and let's see what music we like!"
Signing up is free and takes less than a minute.
Just click here to automatically accept my add.
Visit my music profile and leave me a shout! I'll see you around,
- Lane Fournerat
You received this message because someone (Lane Fournerat) who knows you sent you an invitation to join them on Last.fm. Your address was not saved and we will never contact you unsolicited. For more information, see our privacy policy at: http://www.last.fm/help/privacy.php.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
StarCraft 2 by Blizzard
StarCraft 2 is the second installation of the hit Starcraft series from Blizzard, featuring the Terran, Zerg, and Protoss races. Back in 1998, Blizzard released the original Starcraft, and 10 years later they plan on releasing the second one.
Over the past few months, Starcraft fans have been gearing up for the event at gaming expos and watching the video player footage on youtube and other internet channels. Here are just a few to wet your mouth with. The first one is the Trailer for Starcraft 2, titled: Starcraft 2: Hell, It's About Time:
Here is some gameplay video with a Blizzard representative introducing some of the new characters, weapons and abilities in the new Starcraft game:
Hopefully we will get a release date for this game soon. It is going to be one of the best games of the year just like the original one was back in 1998!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Make Money Online
There are many ways now-a-days to make money online. Whether you want to do it by creating videos, giving a product review, or explaining how to do something. You can also get paid to write articles and poetry or take pictures. You can even get paid just to share videos with your friends and family.
At the top of my blog, you will see a few links to web sites that you can sign up for depending on how you want to make your money. ExpoTV is a place where you create a video product review and make money on the front end and the back end.
Associated Content is a place where you can post how to videos, short films, product reviews, articles, poetry, photos, audio files and more and also get paid on the front end and the back end too.
Revver is a site where they add an advertisement to your video, and they will share the advertising revenue with you 50/50. Also if you sign up and just share video with your friends and family, you will get 20% of the revenue and Revver shares 40/40 with them and the creator.
Helium is a site where you get paid to write. This is also ad based, just like Revver.
Shutterstock, Fotolia, Dreamtime, and iStockPhoto are all picture and design submission sites where you upload your picture or graphic to them, and when someone buys it from them, you get a royalty from it, the price depends on the site.
So these are just some of the ways to make money online. As I come across more sites, I will post them on here, so make sure that you refer here often. You can bookmark this blog or have an RSS feed syndicated to your Yahoo or Google account. You can also sign up for subscribing by e-mail if you prefer. All of the links are on the right.
If you want to take a look at some examples of how I have created money online, most of the links to the right are videos that I have gotten paid with and also there are more after my blog posts. Check Them Out and see how easy it is to create money online!
If you want to talk with me personally about how to do it, you can follow me on Twitter, and I will let you know when I am broadcasting on JustinTV, and we can chat there. Also add me as a friend on MySpace, Facebook and all of the other social networking sites. If you see that I don't have a certain social networking site, please let me know and I will join so we can chat.
Enjoy making money online!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Justin.tv is a place for lifecasters. If you like to people watch, this is a great place to do it. People stream their lives throughout the day, and you can watch them and be entertained, hopefully. I began about a month or so ago, but it is only recently that I really started to leave the camera on, or at least show what's on my desktop.
If you want to watch me live, go to www.justin.tv/lanevids ... that is where you will find me! Make sure that you sign up so that we can chat together!
Watch live video from lanevids on Justin.tv
3 Types of Sex by Stand Up Comedian Ricky Briggs
Get Traffic with BlogRush
BlogRush unveiled their Phase 2 version of BlogRush today, and it is AWESOME. If you don't know what BlogRush is, it is the widget that you see on the right hand side. What it does is syndicate your blog posts to other blogs with this widget, thus creating more traffic to your blog.
This is a great way to get more traffic to your blog. If you want to sign up, make sure that you just click the little button at the bottom of the widget so that I get you as a referral. This is what really starts to multiply your syndications.
Check it out, it's great, and Phase 2 is FANTASTIC
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Glow in the Dark Mountian Dew
I was so pissed when I went out and bought a liter of Mountain Dew and tried this little experiment. It did NOT glow! After I tried it twice, I went online and found a forum where apparently a bunch of people have tried this and they had the same results that I did. POO! Apparently someone analyzed the video and noticed that there was an edit and the bottle was turned. Also a 1/4 bottle of Mountain Dew would not be enough to spell "David" at the end the of video.
Conclusion: he broke a lot of those Glow Stick things and put them in the bottle.
Lack of Blogging & Doo Dah Doo Doo
Sorry for my lack, but my computer power cord fried, and I had to wait until Best Buy could send me another one. It took way too long. But anyways to make up for my time away, I have found this video which is FREAKIN' HILARIOUS! It's called Doo Dah Doo Doo.
It's a Children's Dance Instruction Video: Check it out
Monday, October 15, 2007
Movie Review from the Spill Crew: We Own the Night
At least every week the Spill crew give us a video review of a movie. This week we have We Own The Night.
Any movie that starts out like a 70s porn should be good, right?
Friday, October 12, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Mountain Dew Glows in the DARK!
I will never drink Mountain Dew again. This is crazy. It actually glows in the dark. No black light. It's like a glow stick! Amazing!
Healthy Living Tip #2
It's been a while, but here is Tip #2. Eat more fruits and veggies.
What I usually do is make a smoothie every day that usually contains: a banana, flax seed, an apple, carrots, blueberries, strawberries, rolled oats, soy milk, aloe vera juice, a splash of apple cider vinegar and maybe a pear or kiwi. Blend it up and you get a whole lot more of your fruits and veggies for the day.
Now as for dinner, you should always have some kind of color on your plate. At least a few times a week (maybe 3) you should eat some Broccoli. This is very good for your body! I also like bell peppers, green beans, mushrooms, carrots, brussel sprouts, mung beans, and onions!
You should try to incorporate more of this kind of food into your meals. Stay away from frozen boxed "dinner". Or what I like to call CRAP!
Eat Healthy!
Smoothie Making Video:
The Heartbreak Kid review with Ben Stiller
This is the Spill's review of The Heartbreak Kid starring Ben Stiller and directed by the Farrelly Brothers.
The Next Internet Millionaire
This is great. This is an internet TV show that is set up just like the Apprentice with Donald Trump except all of the business is online. Check out episode one of The Next Internet Millionaire
Sunday, October 7, 2007
BlogRush - The Greatest Things in Blogs
I was rummaging around on the internet the other day, and I came across a widget that is frankly the best blogging device ever. This widget is called BLOGRUSH. You can find mine on the right hand side right before my Twitter Widget. What we have here is a few links to other people's blogs that also have this BlogRush widget, and when someone clicks on one of the link, BlogRush notes where the link came from and you get one credit. With this credit, they then add your link to one other widget. So if you have 100 clicks from this widget, your blog will be syndicated, through this widget to 100 other blogs. It works like a charm. I would suggest that you click the tab at the bottom of the Widget that says "BlogRush" and join up so that you can be part of this great marketing device!
BlogRush Today!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Just thought that I would remember some Old School Cartoons on my Blog. Enjoy!
Why You Should go CFL!!
It only makes sense. You can now buy Energy Efficient CFL light bulbs at Wal-Mart on the cheap. You can buy a 6 pack of 13W (equal to 60W of light) for $9.88! That's $1.65 a bulb. Ok, so you might be saying that I can get a regular incandescent light bulb for like $.50. This is probably true, but with the CFLs you have some other things going for you.
1. With CFLs you are only using 13W of power instead of the 60W from a regular bulb. That's a Difference of 47W. Now let's say that you have 25 light bulbs throughout your house that you are going to change to CFLs. By doing this, you would be saving 1175W. That's pretty awesome! Also if you wanted to get really energy efficient, you could get an even lower wattage, maybe a 9W and save 51W per bulb. This will make a difference on your electricity bill.
2. The second reason is the fact that these bulbs will last longer than 5 years usually, and sometimes longer. So now you do not have to change your light bulbs as often, which is pretty nice if you have high ceilings, less work for you to do, AND since the bulbs are lasting you longer, you do now have to purchase more light bulbs, thus saving you money there!
3. Thirdly, these light bulbs do NOT put out as much heat as regular incandescent light bulbs, so in effect your AC bill will be lower because there is not as much heat in the rooms!
Now let's think about if every house changed out 25 bulbs and was saving 1175W. That would be AMAZING! Let's say we have (and I know we have more) 500 million houses that is going to save 1175W of power.
That's 587,500,000,000W! HOLY CRAP!
All it takes is a little match to see why you should do this! Oh, and if you think that Wal-Marts $1.65 per bulb is too expensive, check out E-Bay. I bought 100 bulbs (equivalent to 75W) for about $1.20 a bulb!
Here is a link to a video I created about CFL! Click Here! CFL VIDEO!
PS. I can remember thinking about this while I was working in a jewelery store. The store had about 75 bulbs, about 75W-80W each. You can get a 26W (equal to 90W in and incandescent), have you merchandise shine more because you have more Wattage, they would last longer so that you do NOT have to change the bulbs as often (which I know how to do quite well), and you would be GREEN
Here's the math! Incandescent: 75 * 75W = 5625W
CFL: 75 * 26W = 1950W
A Difference of: 3675W
Now times that by how many jewelery stores there are, I know that there are 780 Zale's Stores, and ZaleCorp also owns Gordon's and there are at least 450 Gordons Stores, so 780+450 = 1230 Stores * 3675W = 4,520,250W. HOLY CRAP again! If one Corporation would Green Up, They could save 4.5 million watts! Just an extra thought!
Now go buy some CFLs!!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
'Handicapped?' for Sale
Get your copy of 'Handicapped?' today. This absurd comedy is about a guy who is handicapped and his handicap is the fact that he is a TV on a rolling A/V cart. He tried to hang out with his friends, but the only thing that they can do together is: Watch TV. Order your copy today! Help your budding artists and keep independent film alive! Click here to get your copy of 'Handicapped?'!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Livin' Healthy Tip #1
So we all want to live longer these days, and there is a lot of information out there. The first step is to decipher it all. That is what I plan to do as I bring you Livin' Healthy!
Tip #1: Throw out all food that contains Polyunsaturated Fats, Anything with Hydrogenated Oils of any kind, Artificial Sweeteners, Artificial Colors. Also be aware of your Saturated Fat content, and limit it!
The first step is to clean up the mess that is already made before you can restore any sort of beauty to it, so start off by ridding yourself of this extra crap that you do not need.
To learn how to read food labels, refer to this video: Reading food Labels
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Shawnee Film Festival
Saturday was the 1st annual Shawnee Film Festival. My friend, Eddie, my wife and I went down there to check it out. We saw about 20 films in all. Eddie's short "It's Hot!" played and my other friend, Marc, had a showing of "Timmy" there. Also another member of OMM won an award for their film "Life's Little Gaps". So it was a great experience at the Shawnee Film Festival. If I get some pictures I'll post them.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Just Moving Stuff Around
I'm just moving some videos around; enjoy the Me vs. George Lucas at the top!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Skit Happens Sept 15th, 2007
If you have no plans for Sat Sept 15, 2007 and you are in the Lafayette, La area, you should go and laugh your @$$ off down at the ACA. Lafayette's Premiere Sketch Comedy Troupe is performing Skit Happens: The History of Skitstains. It is going to be HILARIOUS!
Here are a few samples of their previous stuff!
Don't Forget: Sept 15th 8:00pm - AcA Downtown Lafayette, LA
New Vids & Poetry Up on AC
Just wanted to let you know that I have some more videos and poetry published on AC. Go to http://www.associatedcontent.com/user/29102/lane_fournerat.html and check it out. Some good stuff like how to Put Something in the Fridge and How to Throw Something Away!!! Enjoy!
Also check out my latest animation that I posted yesterday "The Hungry Laptop"!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
New Short Animation
Well I got bored today and I was reading a book on camera tricks and I got to a section on animation. I felt like I should do an animation at that moment, so I created this little gem in a matter of hours. I hope you like "The Hungry Laptop":
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Handicapped? is a short film that I created. It played at the 2006 Night Gallery Film Festival in Arizona, Oregon, Alaska and Canada. It won a People's Choice Award. I hope you enjoy it!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Dance! - Where?
A man get's downloaded and he and his friend search for the perfect place to dance. This is one of my earlier shorts that I added some different music to, so please excuse the quality. It's still funny!! This was shot with my good friend Bizzo down at Girard Park!
Monday, August 27, 2007
The Good, the Bad & That Guy
A Good Ole Lane Short Film titled: The Good, The Bad & That Guy. Enjoy!
This was part of a bigger project that I eventually split up into 3 short films. If you liked this, then check out the other shorts that it was part of: 'Night Recycler' and 'Handicapped?'.
Star Wars Animation
The Epic Battle of the Century! What happens when George Lucas pops out of my TV and duels me to a battle to see if I am worthy of watching STAR WARS!
This was one of the first videos that I ever created! Hope you liked it!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
This is Hilarious
WATCH IT! You will DIE laughing!!!!
If you watch this 100 times you will still laugh
Add to My Profile | More Videos
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Video Journal for August 24, 2007
I haven't done one of these in a few days. So here is one to make up. At least I've been doing some poetry to make up for it, right? Also I have some old short films that I'm about to upload, so look for those, in the meantime here's 8/24/07
Friday, August 24, 2007
The City of Tulsa Mowed My Grass For Me...
As you know I mowed my grass yesterday, and I forgot to mow the grass across the street where I have some magnolia trees. Well to my surprise it just got mowed. I find this hilarious because the city fines people for grass larger then 12", but the city's grass was well over 24". I guess they are getting some stuff together. YEAH! FREE GRASS MOWERS!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Micah (& anyone else) Sign Up Under Me
This is for Expotv: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/349706/expotv_pays_for_videopinions_plus_01.html
just click one of the links in the article
AC is:
Hook it up!
Enjoy my Vids!
My Day... so far...
Well... so far I woke up and MOWED THE LAWN! I needed it Badly. Now that I am writing this, I just realized that I forgot to do the patch of grass on the other side of the street. Ohh well... It'll have to wait another two weeks.
Then I took a bath and I got ready and stuff, and I made some videos. In fact I made 2 more poetry videos... check um out!
Once I finished some videos and I realized that the mail had come, I needed to go to the bank so that I could deposit a check that we received in the mail. I figured that I would make a video about this too, so I did:
After the bank, I figured lets do some driving down Route 66 here in Tulsa, OK. When I moved here, I was like "COOL, Route 66!" So I decided to make some videos of it. We have Route 66 from Lewis St. to Yale in Tulsa, OK! Enjoy!
Power Outage...
Last night at about 11:00pm our power went out. It sucked because we didn't have any AC , and it was HOT, but it was nice to have total silence. It came on at about 12:15am, so it wasn't too long of an outage. I still don't know what caused it. Guess I should go watch some news or something! L8R
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Today is my friend Phil's Birthday! :::Singing::: Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy. I'm so happy today! :::singing::: Remember from Liar Liar that clown that is singing at the birthday party?
HAPPY B-DAY PHIL! It's the Phillernaut - Rattle Rattle Thunder Crackle Boom Boom Boom
Well I just got back from the Library and I picked up some books! I got The Science of Success by James Ray, the audiobook Selling You! by Napoleon Hill, and a video called The Entrepreneurs. I will let you know how they are!
I am also currently reading You: The Smart Patient by Dr. Mehmet Oz, The Success Principles by Jack Canfield, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, and Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About by Kevin Trudeau.
I am waiting to read Understanding Poverty, The Passion Test, and In the Pursiut of Happiness. If you haven't seen that movie, you should go and rent it TODAY! It is great! Well I'll let you know what I think about them when I finish them!
Poem for the Day
Here is the first Video Poem that I have for you. It's titled "Man's Questions"! Enjoy!
Well I finally fell...
asleep by like 4:00am, and I got up at about 9:30, so I'm running on 5 hours of sleep. We will see how that goes. I should be fine, although I usually get a little longer. Look for some vids coming today!!!
I Can't Sleep...
right now, and I don't want to wake up the Mrs. because she has to get up really early to tend to some teenagers, so I figured that I would get on here and post my Video Journal for the day.
I think I have decided that, since it is hard to get the right feel for poetry unless it is spoken, I am going do start doing some Video Poetry, too. So look for that soon!!
In the meantime, enjoy the blog with all of the links to the left and the video journal!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Everythings Working...
Well I finally figured out how to post on my blog. I had just been using it for links, but I want to say some stuff, so I figured it out, and I gave the blog a new look. Hope you guys like it! Lunchtime and Gonna Make It are two short films that I shot while I was in college. I hope you guys enjoy them. I think Krista and I are going to get some Thai Food!
Check out some of my other stuff to the left, or just click here or here.